September 21 is International Day Of Peace. The theme this year is action for peace and highlights as well as recognizes every kind of effort driven towards achieving this goal. Somy Ali🅰, who now runs her NGO No More Tears, shares that “peace will only be attained once we eradicate the abuse of power and corruption”.
꧒She adds, “Any nation be it South Asia, Latin America, or the US, in its entirety whose foundation is built on fraud, bribery, corruption, abuse of power, and letting people get away with murder, rape, domestic violence, without any consequences will only lead to deterioration. Hence, first we need to get rid of all the rubbish, by this I mean people who are corrupt, open to taking bribes, will abuse their power, and are not afraid of the law enforcement knowing very confidently that they can get away with any heinous crime. Hence, clean the house and you will not have to be concerned about filthiness. That is when we will have peace, but who has the power to take that first step of instilling morals in bad people or getting rid of cleaning the house with those residing having zero moral values. It's all contingent upon who has the audacity to make things right. Or else it will be status quo and the needy will suffer as will the innocent.”
꧟Somy Ali knows how to maintain peace and harmony in her life and career. And, she knows what she wants from both of them as well.
꧙“I have made it a practice to speak up against injustices be it in the US or Indonesia. I follow the news religiously and I will always take a stand for those who need a voice. Only speaking up for myself and for others even with dire consequences is the only way for me to maintain my peace. There is no better feeling than using your voice to obtain justice for those who remain unheard,” she concludes.