
Boost Yourself Up With Daily Dose Of Fibre

𓃲 We all know that fibre eliminates body toxins and is important for digestive health. But, do you know how to balance the fibre intake?

Boost Yourself Up With Daily Dose Of Fibre

▨Almost each and every health expert mentions adding whole foods to your diet to maintain health. These whole foods are basically rich in fibre content, and majorly are acquired from plant sources. What does fibre do to your body once added in our diet? Dietary fibre, which is also referred to as roughage, is the part of plant foods, that is not digested/ absorbed by our body, unlike fats, proteins or carbohydrates. Instead, it passes relatively intact with our food through the stomach, small intestine and colon and out of our body. Many studies claim that adequate fibre intake may benefit our digestion, and also reduce the risk of chronic disease. Moreover, some part of it stimulates the growth of good bacteria which further improves the metabolism rate.

ꦇDuring the pandemic and post lockdown period, several issues related to constipation, obesity/overweight etc. have increased tremendously. Physical activity has declined to many folds due to the work-from-home situation. The continuous online work further increases our sitting duration. Besides, the eating pattern has also changed as people are going for home cooked fried and processed food that adds on to further health issues.

๊ There is no harm in adding taste to your food, unless and until you track the health part too. As per RDA guidelines, fibre requirement for adults varies from 25-30 gm of fat. Whereas, for children it is calculated as per their age + 5 gm. There are 2 types of fibres – soluble, which dissolves in water and helps in controlling your cholesterol and sugar levels, and insoluble, which is not dissolved in water and helps in regulation of stool for curbing constipation. Soluble fibre is found in rolled oats, peas, beans, apples, citrus fruits, carrots, barley and psyllium. It even aids in growth of good bacteria for gut microbiota. While whole-wheat flour, wheat bran, nuts, beans and vegetables, such as cauliflower, green beans are good sources of insoluble fibre.

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♎As much as fibre consumption is essential for us, taking it in excess can lead several health problems, such as, bloating, abdominal pain, flatulence, loose stools or diarrhoea, reduced blood sugar, and temporary weight gain. This can solved  by taking plenty of fluids and regular workouts.

🅰In order to achieve optimal intake of fibre, try to incorporate salad and fruits in a healthy amount in your diet. Take around 150-200 gm of fruits and vegetables each as salad at least twice a day. Also, while kneading, you can mix  regular flour with any other flour for a nutritious combo. For instance, taking wheat and oats in equal ratios, or mixing barley flour with wheat flour.

💖As per the Indian tradition, people really enjoy sattu stuffed chapatti with curd. Sattu is the powder obtained from roasted barley or chana mixed with onion, garlic, ginger and other seasoning for taste. This accentuates the nutritional value of sattu powder, plus it gives early satiety also.

Moreover, we can go for some quick and easy mixes or recipes to complete your daily requirements for dietary fibre in your diet. Try this instant oats smoothie recipe with nuts in the curd base. Moreover, we can go for some quick and \
🌳easy mixes or recipes to complete your daily requirements for dietary fibre in your diet.

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Healthy Fibrous Recipe

♓To perk yourself up, try this instant oats smoothie recipe with nuts in curd base.

Preparation:🐠 Mix 3 tbsp of roasted oats with 1 apple + 10-12 almonds and walnuts + 1 tsp of chia seed in 1 cup of curd – blend it well and make a smoothie. Sprinkle a pinch of cinnamon on top for enhancing taste.

𓆉Apart from a wholesome diet, it is mandatory to follow a regular and intense workout routine for staying fit and healthy tomorrow.

(The author is a part of Team Sugati)