
Japanese G20 Delegates Take Ride In Delhi Metro, Visit Museum

🔥 In New Delhi, Japan's State Minister for Foreign Affairs Shunsuke Takei Wednesday took a ride in Delhi Metro and visited the museum of the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) officials said.

🐠Japanese G20 Delegates Take Ride In Delhi Metro, Visit Museum

Japan's State Minister for Foreign Affairs Shunsuke Takei Wednesday took a ride in Delhi Metro and visited the museum of the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) in New Delhi, officials said.
He was traveling as part of a Japanese G20 delegation that included the Ambassador of Japan to India, Hiroshi Suzuki, among others.
"The members of the delegation traveled by metro from Central Secretariat to Chawri Bazaar," a senior official of the DMRC said.
The group took a tour of the Chawri Bazaar underground station located in old Delhi. On their return journey, the group stopped to visit the Delhi Metro Museum on the premises of the Patel Chowk Metro station, the official said.
DMRC Managing Director Vikas Kumar and other senior officials from JICA (Japan International Cooperation Agency) India office accompanied the visitors.
The DMRC shared pictures from the Japanese delegation visit on Twitter.
💮The delegates have arrived in India from Japan for the several G20 meetings that are being hosted across the country.