The India Meteorological Department (IMD) announced on Monday that a cold wave is expected to sweep through some states in northern India between January 5 and 11. Dr. Mrutynjay Mohapatra, the Director General of IMD, informed ANI that night temperatures are anticipated to drop, leading to cold wave conditions in central India. Areas including♊ Madhya Pradesh, northern Maharashtra, southern Uttar Pradesh, Haryana, and Rajasthan may experience below-normal day temperatures during this period.
Furtherm🧸ore, a low-pressure area forming over the southeast Arabian Sea is causing cloud formation over Lakshadweep and the Maldives Islands. The IMD predicts heavy rainfall and strong winds up to 40-50 kmph in Lakshadweep over the next three days, advising fishermen to avoid venturing into the sea.
Mohapatra highlighted that 2023 was the second warmest year since 1901, with the annual mean air temperature for the country being 0.65 degrees Celsius a🔥bove normal. He predicted relatively warmer mornings for most parts of the country, with cooler days expected in central and northwestern regions. However, warmer days are anticipated in south peninsular and northeastern India throughout January.
In Kashmir, the New Year began on a dry note as the cold wave intensified, with temperatures dropping further below freezing. While most plain areas received no snowfall, the valley is currently under the grip of 'Chilla-i-Kalan,' the 40-day h🥃arshest winter period. The IMD predicts the continuation of cold conditions with a 20-day-long 'Chilla-i-Khurd' and a 10-day-long 'Chilla-i-Bachha' after January 31.
Delhi experienced a warmer New Year morning with a minimum temperature of 10.1 degrees Celsius, three notches above the season's average.𒆙 The city faced fog-related delays ꦕin train schedules, with the AQI recorded at 356, categorized as 'very poor.'
Cold weather conditions prevailed in parts of Punjab and Haryana, with Gurdaspur recording a minimum of 6 degrees Celsius. Shallow fog was obser🍎ved in some places. In Rajasthan, Jaipur recorded a minimum temperature of 7.6 degrees Celsius, and several other cities experienced dry weather with moderate to dense fog.
Uttar Pradesh witnessed dry weather in the last 24 hours, with the Met office forecasting m🌳oderate to dense fog on Tuesday morning. Whil🥀e day temperatures increased in some divisions, others remained below normal. Shahjahanpur was the coldest place in the state, recording 5.2 degrees Celsius, while Banda recorded the highest temperature at 22.8 degrees Celsius.