൲The rivalry between former BJP MLA from Laksar Kunwar Pranav Singh Champion and Independent MLA from Khanpur Umesh Kumar took a violent turn on Sunday when both of them allegedly attacked each other's office in Roorkee along with dozens of their supporters. They abused everyone around, waving pistols in the air.
♓Both Champion and Kumar have been taken into custody based on complaints filed by both sides, Haridwar SSP Pramendra Singh Doval said.
♌Their rivalry is well-known. They often inveigh against each other on social media platforms.
ಞChampion has been taken to the Ranipur police station and Kumar to the Roorkee police station.
ꦜA recommendation is also being made to the district magistrate for the cancellation of their licensed pistols and reconsideration of the security provided to them, Doval said.
💟No one can be allowed to take the law into their own hands, he said.
🐭Champion was picked up by the police from his residence in Dehradun following the incident and taken to Haridwar.
♐In a video that has gone viral, he was seen in a police van going from Nehru Colony police station in Dehradun.
꧙Talking to reporters from inside the police van, Champion said the Khanpur MLA had attacked his mansion in Landhaura on Saturday night and abused him. What he did today was in reaction to that, Champion said.
♉"When I reacted, I was picked up. It is an injustice. I will fight against it," Champion told reporters.
൲His wife Devyani Singh claimed that a complaint was lodged with the police about Umesh Kumar attacking their residence in Landhaura at 10.28 pm on Saturday but when no action was taken, it became necessary to react to "save our honour".
🦩On Sunday evening, Champion created a ruckus at Kumar's Roorkee office along with dozens of his supporters and fired several rounds in the air.
🉐As soon as Kumar learned about Champion's ruckus and firing at his office, he reached Champion's office along with dozens of his supporters and created commotion in a similar manner.
ജKumar was allegedly running inside Champion's office with a pistol in his hand, abusing and shouting at him when the police reached the spot.
𝓀Kumar alleged that Champion had abused him on social media two days ago and had used highly abusive words about his parents.
ღAfter this, Kumar reached Champion's palace in Landhaura on Saturday night and abused him while challenging him. Its video is also going viral on social media.