Tamil Nadu Chief Minister M K Stalin inaugurated 303 smart classrooms for government and aided schools in Radhapuram assembly constituency and also handed over appointment letters to 143 grade 2 constables recruited to the Prisons department𝓀 through the Tamil Nadu uniform services recruitment board, on Monday.
The smart classrooms for classes 1 to V, inaugurated virtually from the Secretariat here, were established at a cost of Rs 6.86 crore. The ch♐ief minister also handed over letters appointing 61 persons in the school education department on compassionate grounds.
The state government had announced in the Budget that it would estab🍬lish 20,000 smart classrooms in the state, and the present move is part of a series of efforts to upgrade government and aided schools, an official release here said.
Further, as part of a prison modernisation programme, the state government h🥀ad spent about Rs 5.71 crore in the past two years for obtaining security and protectiv𒀰e gear, computers, and other paraphernalia.
In addition, a 'Seerthirutha Siragugal' initiative to reform and rehabilitate prisoners was launch𒆙ed at a cost of Rs one crore, another release said.
Law Minister S Ragupathy, School Education Minister Anbil Mౠahesh Poyyamozhi, Chief 🍸Secretary Shiv Das Meena, and senior officials participated.