Kerala got its first transgender laywer Padma Lakshmi who enrolled as an advocate with the Bar Council of Kerala on Sunday.
According to a LiveLaw reportღ, she was one among over 1500 law graduates who were admitted on the rolls of the Kerala Bar Council as advocates, in the enrollment ceremony held on March 19. She was personally congratulated by Kerala Law Minister P Rajeev on the occasion.
💦He took to Instagram to say, "Congratulations to Padma Lakshmi who overcame all the hurdles of life and enrolled as the first transgender advocate in Kerala. Becoming the first is always the hardest achievement in history. There are no predecessors on the way to the goal. Obstacles will be inevitable. There will be people to mute and discourage. Padma Lakshmi has written her name in the legal history by overcoming all this," Mr Rajeev said in the post translated from Malayalam to English.
🍨Netizens on Twitter celebrated the feat while also referring to how Joyita Mondal was appointed as a judge in the Lok Adalat of Islampur in West Bengal in 2017, becoming the first person from the transgender community to hold such a post in the country.
🤡In early 2018, transgender activist Vidya Kamble was appointed a member judge in a Lok Adalat in Nagpur in Maharashtra. Later that year, the country got the third transgender judge, Swati Bidhan Baruah, who hails from Guwahati.