🃏India on Friday said it will keep a close watch on developments in Bangladesh as Pakistani intelligence and military officials are visiting them, as per reports. Ministry of External Affairs spokesperson Randhir Jaiswal said India will take 'appropriate' action if required with the increase in engagement between Bangladesh and Pakistan.
🥃Reports suggested that Pakistani intelligence agency ISI's Director General of Analysis, Maj Gen Shahid Amir Afsar, and certain other officials are currently visiting Bangladesh. Senior Directorate General of Forces Intelligence official received that team in Dhaka.
💖According to , a six-member Bangladeshi delegation led by Lt Gen SM Kamrul Hasan, army chief General Asim Munir, the Principal Staff Officer of the Armed Forces Division visited Pakistan's top military in Rawalpindi during January 13-18.
🗹The visit to Dhaka by the Pakistani military officials came after a delegation of Bangladeshi military officials toured Pakistan and held meetings with the three service chiefs.
🍸Earlier, during the Sheikh Hasina government, the communication between ISI agents and Bangladeshi organisations halted as they reportedly prosecuted several people on charges of 'colluding' with Pakistan during the 1971 liberation war.
What Did Randhir Jaiswal Say?
🐻Answerign to a question on the neighbouring countries, External Affairs Ministry Spokesperson Randhir Jaiswal said, "We keep an eye on all activities around the country and in the region, as well as all activities affecting national security, and the government will take appropriate steps," .
🔜He said India's approach towards Bangladesh has been to maintain friendly ties.
ღ"We support a democratic, progressive and inclusive Bangladesh. We want to strengthen our ties so that the people of India and Bangladesh can prosper," he said.
💟On Bangladesh's objection to India constructing a fence along the frontier between the two nations, Jaiswal said it is aimed at countering criminal activities such as human and cattle trafficking.
ಌThe construction work is covered by the existing bilateral agreements, he added.
꧙There have been tension between India and Bangladesh since the fall of Sheikh Hasina government in August 2024. Hasina fled Bangladesh, took refuge in India, and has lived here since.
🐲There were several reports of Hindu minorities being attacked in the neighbouring country which India condemned. India asked Mohammed Yunus led interim government to take strict action to such incidents.