Protesting farmers disperse after a tear gas firing during their 'Delhi Chalo' march, near the Punjab-Haryana Shambhu Border, in Patiala district. Farmers protesting at two border points betwe🌳en Punjab and Haryana will resume their march on Wednesday after they rejected the Centre's proposal for procuri𝓀ng pulses, maize and cotton at the MSP by government agencies for five years.
Protesting farmers disperse after a tear gas firing during their 'Delhi Chalo' march, near the Punjab-Haryana Sham꧑bhu 🍰Border.
Protesting farmers disperse after a tear gas firing during their 'Delhi Chalo' ♌march, near the Punjab-Haryana Shambhu Bo🀅rder.
Protesting far💟mers disperse after a tear gas firing during their 'Delhi Chalo' march, near the Punjab-Haryana Shambhu Border
Prot💦esting farmers disperse after a tear gas firing during their 'Delhi Chalo' march, near the Punjab-Haryana Shambhu Border
Protesting farmers disperse after a tear gas firing during their 'Delhi Chalo' march, near the Punjab-Haryan🅠a Shambhu Boಌrder
Protesting f꧂armers disperse after a tear gas firing during their 'Delhi Chalo' march, near the Punjab-Hary♛ana Shambhu Border
Protesting farmers during their 'Delhi Chalo' march, near the Punjab-Haryana Shambhu Border, in Patiala district. Farmers protesting at two border points b🌄etween Punjab and Haryana will resume their march on Wednesday after they rejected the Centre's proposal for procuring pulses, maize and cotton at the MSP by government agencies for five years.
Security personnel stand guard during the farmers' protest over various demands, including a legal guarantee on the minimum suppo♛rt price (MSP) for crops and farm loan waiver, at the Punjab-Haryana Shambhu Border, in Patiala district.
Farmers near a backhoe loader modified to shield from police rubber bullets, during their proteꦑst over various demands, including a legal guarantee on the minimum support price (MSP) for crops and farm loan waiver, a𒊎t the Punjab-Haryana Shambhu Border, in Patiala district.
Farmers near an eꦅxcavator modified to shield from police rubber bullets, during their protest over various demands, including a legal guarantee on the minimum support price (MSP) for crops and farm loan waiver, at the Punjab-Haryana Shambhu Border, in Patiala district.
Farmers 🉐during their 'Delhi Chalo' protest march, at the Punjab-Haryana Shambhu border, in Patiala dis﷽trict.