Railways Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw on Friday accused the previous UPA government at the Centre of ignoring a big state like Rajasthan and said now work will pick up pace in the state under the dou𝕴ble-engine BJP gov🎐ernment.
He said after the BJP government was formed at the Centre, the budget for development of railways has increased manifold. Talking to reporters here, Vaishnaw said, "Befo🐬re 2014, a big state like Rajasthan was completely ignored by the then UPA government. Now, redevelopment of 83 sꦜtations is being done in Rajasthan and work will speed up under the double engine government."
After inspecting the ongoing redevelopment work of Jaipur railway station, he said🌞, "As per Prime Minis♎ter Narendra Modi's vision, a complete transformation of railway stations is underway. Our focus is to make the railways world-class." He said Chief Minister Bhajan Lal Sharma has given instructions that the Chief Secretary and Railways General Manager meet once a month.
The minister also said the Ajmer-Delhi Cantt Vande Bharat will now make a stopover at the Gandh𝐆inagar railway statio😼n here beside the main Jaipur station.