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Prompted by the military escalation of the last few weeks, I have looked again at my notes andtranscriptions for Countdown– my 1998 New Yorker article on the nuclear situation in South Asia (later published as a book by Ravi Dayal).
ཧFinding much in them that is still relevant, in one way or another, I have decided to post them on this .Unfortunately I have not had the time to properly edit the transcripts, so they are posted here withoutbenefit of corrections. The interviews were all conducted in August 1998. They are arranged in the followingorder:
1. Asma Jahangir (lawyerand human rights activist, Lahore).
2. K. Subrahmanyam (defenceand foreign policy expert; New Delhi).
3. Praful Bidwai(journalist and nuclear expert; New Delhi, 1998).
4. Chandan Mitra(editor, The Pioneer, New Delhi).
5. V.P.Malik (then Chief ofArmy Staff).
6. George Fernandes(India’s Defence Minister, New Delhi, August)
7. Kanti Bajpai ꦦ(Professorof Internation Relations, Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi).
(Please click here for exclusiveexcerpts from Countdown. For more writings by and on Amitav Ghosh, please visit his website, )