"Saturday Night Live" treated viewers to an unexpected delight during Ryan Gosling's recent hosting stint: "All Too Well (Ryan's Version)." The "Barbie" actor bid farewell to his Ken persona during his 'SNL' monologue with a parody rendition of Taylor Swift's 2012 hit. S🌱porting a fur coat reminiscent of his character from the 2023 film, Gosling crooned about his "breakup" with Ken to the melancholic melody.
A surprise cameo from Emily Blunt, Gosling's co-star in the upcoming m🌟ovie "The Fall Guy," added to the hilarity. Expressing mock frustration, Blunt 🌟humorously declared, "Ken is dead," upon seeing Gosling sing about the character once "again."
During their exchange, Gosling asked Blunt if she also missed her "Oppenheimer" character, prompting her to begin singing her rendition of "All Too Well" in mourning of Kitty Oppenheimer. The song swiftly transitioned into a magnificent "Barbenheimer" duet.
In harmony, they sang, "Now it’s time to ♔wish Ken, Ki🍷tty, both of us… farewell."
This marks Gosling's third time hosting "SNL," having previously graced the stage in 2015 and 2017. He recently made a cameo to assist initiate host and iconic "SNL" 🉐alum K𝕴risten Wiig into the prestigious five-timers club during her monologue.
"SNL" airs on NBC at 11:30 p.m. EDT/8:30 p.m. PDT. The upcoming episode on May 4 will feature singer Dua Lipa as both host and musical guest.
Watch the SNL video here.