A man breaks the lock of a cell in the infamous Saydnaya military prison, just north of Damascus, Syria. Crowds are gathering to enter the prison, known as the "human slaughterhouse," after thousands of inmates were released following the rebel💫s' overthrow of Bashar al-Assad's regime on Sꦜunday.
A r🅷ope lies on the floor in the infamous Saydnaya military prison, just north of Da🅰mascus, Syria.
Two insurgent fighters inspect🌞 the cells of the infamous Saydnaya military prison, just north of Damascus, Syria.
People walks into the basement of the infamou♓s Saydnaya military prison, just north of Damascus.
Two men use their flashlights to ins🎃pect a corridor of the infamous Saydnaya military prison, just north of Damascus, Syria.
A prosthetic leg and a stretcher lie on the floor in the infamous Saydnaya mi🅠litary prison, just north of Damascus, Syria.
A woman e🌄xamines the cells at the infamous Saydn൲aya military prison, just north of Damascus, Syria.
People inspec💛t documents they found in the infamous Saydnaya military prison, just north of Damascus, Syria.
A man sh💛ows two ropes tied in the shape🔴 of nooses, found in the infamous Saydnaya military prison, just north of Damascus, Syria.
A m♉an looks at a room of the infamous Saydnaya military prison, just north of Damascus, Syria.
Peo🍌ple with relatives who were imprisoned wait outside the infamous Saydnaya military prison, just north of Damascus, Syria.
Two insurgent fighters examine documents scattered on the floor, searching for the names of government ofꦯficers at the infamous Saydnaya military prison, located just north of Damascus, Syria.
A line of peo𝐆ple heads toward the infamous Saydnaya military prison, just north of Damascus, Syria.