I lost my wife, two sons, sister, brother anಌd 43 nieces and nephews, in addition to 13 cousins.
Today morning, I lost my elderly uncle Akram and four 🐭of his siblings in the Israeli bombing of his house, where 20 family members were wounded...
Note: Motasem Dalloul is a journalist covering the impact of the ongoing genocide in Gaza. He lost his two sons and wife to Israeli attacks in 2024. Dalloul was to write a note on life under siege for Outlook's 2024 Anniversary issue 'War and Peace' and even managed to share some updates with Outlook's Editor before we lost contact. The despatch remained incomplete. The blank page is to symbolise his story and the precarious lives of journalists and citizens in Gaza. It also symbolises the hope with which we wait for the rest of the despatch, just as we hope for an end to violence in Gaza and elsewhere.
(This appeared in the print as 'I Want to Write My Story')