10 Food Tips To Keep You Warm Here's how to replenish your body with some hot winter delicacies BY Dr Meghana Pasi ♍ 28 January 2021
🅠World Diabetes Day: How To Celebrate A 'Cheenikam Diwali' Here's how to invite health and prosperity this Diwali, not Diabetes and medical bills BY Dr Meghana Pasi 𝓀 14 November 2020
Want To Avoid Trans Fats In Your Food? Here's How 🌼Read the nutrition facts /food labels carefully: avoid those that have ‘hydrogenated oils’, ‘partially hydrogenated oils’ or ‘shortenings’ in the ingredients list BY Dr Meghana Pasi ♔ 17 September 2020
Tired, Cranky, Irritable? Try Some Protein ꦓLack of protein can also lead to lower immunity levels, brittle nails, hair loss and increased risk of fractures BY Dr Meghana Pasi 🍰 23 August 2020