The Miss World Pageant has returned to India. The 71st⛦ edition of the Miss World pageant had its opening ceremony in New Delhi recently. Contestants will go through different rounds before they eventually reach the finale. The finale will be held on March 9 at the Jio World Convention Centre in Mumbai.
India’s Sini Shetty is already winning hearts. At the opening ceremony she was seen smiling at everyone as she posed for the cameras. As the Miss World pageant is a rolling crown, last year’s winner, Karolina Bielawskaꦚ of Poland will crown her successor at the finale this year.
🌼Before we get to the finale, here’s taking a look at a few glimpses from the opening ceremony of the Miss World pageant:
ಌA contestant poses during the opening of the Miss World pageant, in New Delhi.
🍨Mongolia’s Enkhjin Tseveendash poses during the opening of the Miss World pageant, in New Delhi.