Actor Ranvir Shorey, who is currently on 'Bigg Boss OTT 3', has been grabbing the headlines since day 1. Ranvir's upcoming release is 'Accident Or Conspiracy: Godhra', the movie based on the true incident of the Sabarmati train burning case in 2002. Shorey plays a lawyer who will be seen opposite veteran actor Manoj Joshi in the courtroom. 'Godhra' trailer was unveiled today, June 25 and Ranvir's charac🍸ter was seen asking some hard-hitting questions related to the tragic incident.
Earlier, in an interview with Outlook India, when Ranvir was 🤪asked to share details about the movie, he called it a 'small film' where is playing a supporting role. He said, ''There is a lot of buzz about it because oꦑf the subject of the film. I have played a supporting role in it opposite Manoj Joshi. He is the one who asked me to be part of it.''
The 'Bheja Fry' actor added, ''Me doing Godhraꦚ was more like a statement against all these so-called gatekeepers ofꦜ morality and filmmaking who call them propaganda films. That is really wrong.''
He continued, ''When you ma✤ke your film, no one calls them propaganda f♍ilms. Why should you call any film propaganda film if somebody wants to tell the story from their point of view? It's their right to say it.''
Ranvir is known for his honest and unfiltered views on politics and societal issues. He often falls prey to trolls for his stances. When asked if he fears losing projects ﷺor films because of his political views, the 51-year-old actor said, ''In my life, I don't judge people by their po𝓡litical views. I have friends and colleagues from all hues of the political spectrum. I don't judge them by that and I expect the same from other people as well. But in any case, if I am losing out on projects because of my political views, I am ok with it. My views and opinions are non-negotiable for me.''
He said that he doesn't want projects at the co🌠st of his freedom and added, ''My freedom to express myself and freedom to express the truth, are paramount to me. What good is that privilege and success in life if you can't speak truthfully and honestly? It's a basic necessity for me and as an artist also,'' said the 'Khosla Ka Ghosla' actor.
Shorey further said, ''The privilege and success I enjoy today are because of the love I get from people for my work. If you can't do social work or don't have money to ⭕doꦆnate to charity, the least you can do is, be socially involved and honest about it. You are duty-bound as a public figure and artiste to speak for the truth.''