𒉰Megastar Amitabh Bachchan shared that his wife and veteran actress Jaya Bachchan some times puts a morsel of his favourite food in his mouth with love. During a banter with 'Kaun Banega Crorepati 14' contestant Harsh Saluja, the host told him about his bond with Jaya and how she expresses it through the sweet gesture.
ꦕBig B said: "On certain days, she puts a bite of my favourite food with a lot of love in my mouth."
𒅌Harsh, who hails from Gujarat took over the hotseat and shared about his relationship with his wife.
🐼Big B asked him if he cooked food and he replied that his wife never allows him to enter the kitchen but often sends a letter along with his lunch box and always prepares his favourite food.
𝄹Later, he asked the host if Jaya also sends him letters, the host replied that although "She never sends any letter," she sometimes expresses her love and care by putting a bite of food in his mouth.
🎶Harsh also asked Big B what he calls her at home and he replied jokingly: "Why should I tell you."
'KBC 14' airs on Sony Entertainment Television.