♊Aamir Khan’s ‘Laal Singh Chaddha’ and Akshay Kumar’s ‘Raksha Bandhan’ hit the theatres on August 11 on the occasion of Rakshabandhan this year. However, both films, despite starring A-list stars, have tanked at the box office despite the Independence Day long weekend. By the seventh day, August 17, both films are basically in free fall as their box-office collections continue to go down.
❀‘Laal Singh Chaddha’, which is the official Hindi remake of Tom Hanks’ 1994 film ‘Forrest Gump’, has not been able to perform well. According to a report in Box Office India, the film minted Rs 1.50 crore on Wednesday, taking the total collections so far to Rs 49.25.
🌟“There is a holiday for Janmashtami but that hardly matters as it hardly gets much of a boost and the week might end at Rs 51 crore,” the report stated.
꧒‘Laal Singh Chaddha’, directed by Advait Chandan and written by actor-writer Atul Kulkarni, also stars Kareena Kapoor Khan and Mona Singh. It also marked Naga Chaitanya's Bollywood debut.
꧅On the other hand, Akshay Kumar-starrer ‘Raksha Bandhan’ has been lagging behind ‘Laal Singh Chaddha’ since day 1, and on day 7, it has only collected Rs 1.15 crore. The total collections of the film, which is reportedly made at an approximate budget of over Rs 70 crore, now stands at Rs 36.60 crores.
꧑Despite no major releases in week two, both the films are unlikely to gain any momentum at the box office.