Aamir Khan recently released a statement quashing a viral video that was doing the rounds of social media and called it fake. He even informed his fans and followers that he has never endorsed any political party in his entire 35-year career. Now, a similar fake video is doing the rounds of social media starring Ranveer Singh.
The video, which is doing the rounds of social media is from Ranveer Singh recent visit to Varanasi’s Namo Ghat, where he along with Kriti Sanon turned showstoppers for a fashion walk of Manish Malhotra. In the original video Ranveer Singh was seen talking about his experience of being in the holy city of Varanasi. He even spoke about his spi💖ritual experiences and his visit to the Kashi Vishwanath temple.
Now that video itself has been turned around and morphed🐻 where he can be seen talking about the upcoming elect𓂃ions and promoting a political party.
Will Ranveer Singh also take a similar route and release an official statement on the same? Will he also file♉ a complaint with the cyber-crime cell? Only time will tell.
After Aamir Khan and Ranveer Singh, who do you think will be nex🦂t to fall prey to such fa💫ke videos? Share your thoughts with us.
Disclaimer: We have not shared the video here in the article so as to curb the spread of the fake video.