TRS leader K T Rama Rao on Wednesday voiced opposition to the recommendation of a Parliamentary panel that the medium of instruction in technical and non-technical higher education institutes such as IITs in the Hindi-speaking States should be Hindi and in other parts of the co🦋untry their respective local language.
"India does NOT have a National language & Hindi 🅘is one among the many official languages. To impose Hindi by way of mandating in IITs & central Govt recruitments, NDA Govt is flouting 💦the federal spirit," Rama Rao, Working President of TRS, tweeted.
"Indians should have a choice of language & we 𝔉say No to #HindiImposition," said Rama Rao, son of Chief Minister K Chandrasekhar Rao.
He was responding to media reports about the Parliamentary committee recommending that the medium of instruction in t🍷echnical and non-technical higher educational institutes such as IITs in the Hindi-speaking States should be Hindi and in other parts of the nation their respective local language.
(Inputs from PTI)