In a joint effort by the Maharashtra and Rajasthan police, a gang of five has been arrested who arಞe involved in cases of murder and robbery on Sunday night.
According to the reports they were arre♕sted from a hotel room in Shirdi in the Ahmednagar district of Mahaꦫrashtra.
Reportedly the accused has open-fired at a sub-inspector in Neemuch district in Madhya Pradesh, three days ago and also snatched his servi𝓀ce revolver duriಌng the chase.
Reports say that the gang leader is💯 a man called Kamal Singh Rana who has 37 serious offences to his name with the Rajasthan and Madhya Pradesh police. Not just that the police from the two states had put a bounty of Rs 50,000(Rajasthan) and Rs 20,000(Madhya Pradesh) on his head.
The search for the g🍨ang was ongoing when the Rajasthan police received a piece of info🐼rmation about their whereabouts in Shirdi and thus nabbed him accordingly.
Reportedly the crime branch of polic𒆙e in Jaipur contacted the authorities in Ahmednagar and it was the quick response team 🅰who also roped in for the operation and helped the Maharashtra police to catch the armed gang members.
The police informed the media that they got💟 to know the accused travelled in an SUV which had the words 'sarpanch' and 'jꦜaat' written on the nameplates.
The reports also suggest that the gang leader Rana had cases of murder, robဣbery theft and offences under the Arms Act registered against him.