The Jammu and Kashmir administration o🔴n Friday set up a helpline for the Amarnath Yatra, which has been suspended after a cloudburst near the holy cave left 10 persons dead and scores of others missing. The Lt Governor administration and the Shri Amarnath Shrine Board (SASB) gave out four telephone numbers where people can get inform༺ation about the cloudburst.
"Helpline numbers for Amarnath Yatra:
NDRF: 011-23438252 011-23438253
Kashmir Divisional Helpline: 0194-2496240
Shrine Board Helpline: 0194-2313149," the 𒐪public relations department of the government and the SASB tweeted from their respective handles.
"Focus of administration is on rescue operation with NDRF, SDRF, JKP, and other teams in action," the administration add⛦ed.
At least 10 persons -- mostly pilgrims -- died after a cloudburst struck the holy cave area in south Kashmir Himalayas around 5.30 pm and damaged three langars and 25 pilgrim tents. Scores of persons have been reported missing as a massive rescue operation has been launched by various government ag😼encies.
Meanwhile, an official of the union territory administration said the Amarnath yat🌺ra has been suspended for the time being in view of the tragedy. A decision on resumption of the pilgrimage will be taken after rescue operations are completed, he added.