Jammu and Kashmir Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha on Thursday offered prayers to Shri Amarnathji Chhari Mubarak at Mahadev Gir Dashnami Akhada here, an official said. The Lt Governor sought the blessings of Lord Shiva and prayed for peඣace, prosperity, happiness and well-being of all, an official spokesman said.
Mahant Deependra Giri, the custodian of the holy mace of Lord Shiva, was present when Sinha ꧃🃏offered the prayers, he said.
The spokesman said the 'Chhari-Pujan' on the auspicious occasion of 'Shravan Shukla Pa൲nchami' is an important ritual prior to the culmination of the annual pilgrimage of to the Amarnath shrine in the♎ south Kashmir Himalayas.
"The holy mace will be taken to the Shri Amarnathji cave on August 26 following the traditional practice of Chhari Mubarak yatra,” he added After the puj𝔍a, Giri told reporters that it was a practice of t♑he head of the state to visit the Dashnami Akhada for paying respects to the holy mace.
“Befo🐟re 1989, the head of the state wouꦚld visit to pay respects. Till Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah was alive, there used to be a big gathering of around 20,000 people on this occasion and he would address it,” added Giri.