On Saturday, Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) chief Sukhbi൩r Singh Badal joined the Shiromani Gurudwara Prabandhak Committee's (SGPC) signature campaign, launched in villages seeking the release of Sikh prisoners. The campaign, which commenced in December 2022 was also joined by former chief minister Parkash Singh Badal♛ who signed the form at Badal village.
The SGPC had earlier announced its plans to intensify its campaign for the release of 'Bandi Singhs' by reaching out to people in villages from February 18. Sukhbir Badal said it was an honor to join lakhs of Punjabis in signing the form seeking the release of Sikh detainees who, he claimed, 🌺continue to be incarcerated in priℱsons despite the completion of their life sentences.
Badal also appealed to SAD workers to assist the SGPC in making the signature campaign drive a mass movement by taking it to each and every village in the state. He also added that all Punjabis should sign these forms irrespective of their party affiliations.
He urged🍸 Punjabis, including SAD workers, to aim for the completion of this drive by Baisakhi, as per a party statement.
The signature campaign, launched last year for the release of 'Bandi Singhs' (Sikh pr🌱isoners), who are lodged in different prisons despite having completed their jail sentences.
The SGPC and Shiromani♋ Akali Dal have sought the release of Sikh prisoners including Balwant Singh Rajoana, a convict in former Punjab chief minister Beant Singh's assassination case, and Devinderpal Singh Bhullar, a 1993 Delhi bomb blast convict.
(With PTI inputs)