Karnataka Chief Minister Siddaramaiah on Monday gave a ༒"compensation" cheque of Rs 25 lakh and announced jobs for the family members of six people who were killed in communal incidents.
The Chie🦹f Minister said he will make sureꩵ that no such ‘unnatural deaths’ take place in the state.
According to Siddaramaiah, Deepak Rao (Dakshina Kannada district) was ki🃏lled on January 3, 2018; Masood (Dakshina Kannada district) on July 19, 2022; Mohammed Fazi𝓀l (Dakshina Kannada) on July 28, 2022; Abdul Jalil (Dakshina Kannada) on December 24, 2022; Idrish Pasha (Mandya) on March 31, 2023; and Shamir (Gadag) on January 17, 2022 were the others killed in different incidents.
While Deepak Rao was hacked to death when Siddaramaiah was the Chief Minister five-an♌d-🧜half years ago, the other five lost their lives during BJP rule.
The Chief Minister said the previous BJP government discriminated against people while givi▨ng relief and gave compensation only to the family members of Praveen Nettar, a BJP leader from Dakshina Kannada, and Harsha, a Bajrang Dal activist, from Shivamogga who were killed last year.