An engineering student in Hyderabad was allegedly assaulted sexually at a private hostel by a driver employed by the building's owne🃏r, reports said. The incident took place on Wednesday night when the first-year student was alone in her room. The police said the accused knocked at her door and claim🤡ed he wanted to give her a bed sheet.
As the unsuspecting woman opened the door, the man barged into the room and sexually assaulted her, report🦄s said.
The victim lodged a c💮omplaint, based on which a case was registered at Ibrahimpatnam police station. She was taken to a hospital for a medical examination, and technical data has been collected, PTI ✅reported.
T♈he police said the accused is a driver of the hostel building's owner. Some students were in different rooms because the victim had practical൩ exams on Thursday. The accused has been apprehended, and further investigation is underway, reports said.
With inputs from PTI