In a tragic incident, a 14-year-old student was allegedly stabbed to death outside a school in east Delhi's Shakarpur area following an altercation between the victim and some other students, police said on Saturday. As per PTI, th🌳e incident occurred on Friday.
The incident took place outside the Rajkiya Sa🦄rvodaya Bal Vidyalaya No 2 in Shakarpur area. According to the police, the victim was engaged in an altercation with another student. Once the class ended, the victim Ishu Gupta was ꧃targeted by his classmates outside the school gate.
"The dispute escalated into violence when one student, along with three to four accomplices, targeted the victim outside the school gate. One assailantﷺ stabbed the victim in his right thigh, causing a fatal injury," a police officer told PTI.
It has been reported that the school staff gave Ishu first aid and took him to a nearby hospital where he was declared dead. "Immediately, a team of police, Anti Narcotic♔s Squad, and Special Staff were directed to arrest the accused", NDTV quoted an official release by the police.
So far, police have detained seven people in the incident - five minors and two ♕oth🧸ers aged 19 and 31.
A case was registered at Shakarpur police station and investigation taken up. Currentlyꦛ investigation is underway by teams from the Shakarpur police station, squads from the Anti-Narcotics Squad and the Special Staff. The victim's body has been preserved for post-mortem.
The incident came a month after a Class 11 student wꦆas stabbed to death in a market in Faridabad, days aft🔜er engaging in an argument with the accused.