The Delhi Commission for Women (DCW) has demanded the arrest of Wrestling Federation of India (WFI) chief Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh in a sexual harassment case. According to Hindustan Times, the DCW issued a notice to the Delhi Polic🍨e, urging the immediate release of the𝐆 detained wrestlers who were protesting for Singh's arrest.
The wrestlers were detained ಞby the police as they marched towards the new Parliament House, accusing Singh, a BJP MP, of sexual harassment and intimidation.
The DCW chief, Swati Maliwal, expres🐓sed deep concern over the manhandling and detention of the female wrestlers and their families.
She criticized the Delhi Police for their faiꦯlure to arrest Singh despite the allegations made by a minor girl. Maliwal questioned the police's biased approach, highlighting the discrepancy in their handling of sexual assault cases❀.
Maliwal condemned the police's actions captured in viral videos, stating that such treatment of the women champions is unacceptable and undermines the ꦡforce's reputation.
She emphasized the achievements of these wrestlers on national and international platforms, including the Commonwealth Games and the Olympics, and criticized the police for demoralizing🐟 them by denying justice and detaining them for raising their voices against sexual harassment.