In a shocking turn of events, a court ruling on Friday has placed Railway Protection Force (RPF) constable Chetan Singh under a 14-day judicial custody. The constable stands accused of a chilling crime - the alleged shooting of his senior colleague, RPF Assistant Sub-Inspector Tikaram Meena, and three unsuspecting passengers aboard a moving train in Maharashtra. The incidentꦏ, which unfolded on July 31 on the Jaipur-Mumbai Central Express near Palghar railway station, has left the nation in disbelief.
Friday's court proceedings, held in suburban Borivali, marked a pivotal moment in this perplexing case. As the Government Railway Police (GRP) delved into their investigation, Singh was produced before the magist🔯rate court for the culmination of his previous remand. The court's decision to place him in judicial custody signaled a shift in the legal trajectory, as no further remand was requested by the GRP, according to media reports.
In an intriguing twist, the probe agency's pursuit of truth faced an obsta🅠cle as the court rejected their request to s꧋ubject Singh to brain mapping, polygraph, and narco analysis tests. The GRP had argued that the gravity of the situation warranted an exhaustive examination of all angles. However, the court's denial added another layer of mystery to an already bewildering narrative.
The tragic episode reached its chilling climax near Mira Road station, a pivotal point on Mumbai's suburban network. As passengers reacted swiftly by pulling the emergen🥀cy chain, Singh's alleged attempt to escape was foiled. He was apprehended with his weapon in hand, casting a shadow of horror over the once-peaceful journey.