Congress leader Rahul Gand🅘hi on Thursday shared a video of him taking martial arts sessions, which he said were held during his Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra. With this, he also said that a "Bharat Doj🤪o Yatra" is coming soon.
A Dojo broadly refers to a training hall or school forꩵ martial arts.
With the video of these sessions, Rahul said, "During the Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra, as we journeyed across thousands of kilometers, we had a daily routine of practicing jiu-jitsu every evening at our campus. What began as a simple way to stay fit quickly evolved into a community𒀰 activity, bringing together fellow yatris and young martial arts students from the towns where we stayed."
Notably, the Leader of Opposition in Lok Sabha undertook over a two-month long Bharat Jodo Nyay Yatra from Manipur to Mumbai this year which came as a second version of his first such journey -- Bharat Jodo Yatra -- which was ﷽undertaken between September 2022 and January 2023.
In the eight-minute long video, Rahul Gandhi can be seen holding martial art sessions and practicing techniques al🔯ong wiജth children.
The Congress MP is seen telling the children that he is✨ a black belt in Aikido and blue belt in Jiu-Jitsu. He also teaches them several techniques that he has knowledge of and practices the "gentle art".
Further in his X post, Rahul wrote, "Our goal was to introduce these young minds to the beauty of the ‘Gentle Art’—a harmonious blend of meditation, jiu-jitsu, Aikido, and non-violent conflict resolution techniques. We aimed to instill in them the value of transforming vio🍬lence into gentleness, giving them the tools to build a more compassionate and safer society."
R💎ahul that he wanted to share this experience with everyone on this National Sꦡports Day, with a hope to "inspire some of you to take up the practice of the 'Gentle Art'.
"PS: Bharat Dojo Yatra is coming so𒉰on," Rahul said while concluding his post.