Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal led a massive "maha rally" at Ramlila Maidan in New Delh🌺i, where supporters gathered to protest against the Centre's ordinance on control of services in the national capital. Prominent leaders including Pun🤪jab CM Bhagwant Mann and Rajya Sabha MP Kapil Sibal addressed the rally, emphasizing their opposition to the ordinance.
Arvind Kejriwal Leads AAP's Maha Rally Against Centre's Services Control Ordinance In Delhi
Delhi Chief Minister Ar💖vind Kejriwal led a massive "maha rally" at Ramlila Maidan in New Delhi, where supporters gathered to protest against the Centre's ordinance on control of services in the national capital. Prominent leaders including Punjab CM Bhagwant Mann and Rajya Sabha MP Kapil Sibal addressed the rally, emphasizing their opposition to the ordinance.
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