Television’s favourite comedian, Kapil Sharma, kickstarted his show on Netflix last week. On the first episode of 'The Great Indian Kapil Show', the audience was treated to🍷 the Kapoor clan. Neetu Kapoor, Ranbir Kapoor, and Riddhima Kapoor Sahni graced the show with their appearance. The second episode of the show featured cricketers Rohit Sharma and Shreyas Iyer. In that episode, Kapil called Rohit the famous 'Sharma ji ka beta.’
At the beginning of the second episode of 'The Great Indian Kapil Show', Kapil introduces Rohit and Shreyas on the stage. The cricketers are brought to the stage by Rajiv Thakur in a golf cart that is usually seen in airports. While introducing Rohit, Kapil addressed him as ‘Sharma ji ka beta.’ Rohit was seen in a grey bomber jacket that he꧟ had paired with a black shirt and denims. While Iyer was seen in a black letterman jacket that he had paired with a white t-shirt and comfortable pants. The crowd cheered for them as they took centre stage.
K𝓀apil said, “There is one problem we face here in India. A father always sayꦡs this to his son anytime he does something wrong, 'You're jobless, sitting at home doing nothing. Look at Sharma ji's son. He has prospered. Be like Sharma ji's son.' And we are really lucky to have Sharma ji's son with us today.”
Replying to this, Rohit said, “We have always been watching this show on television. It is interesting that you mentioned Sharma ji's son because I still don't know what 'Sharma ji's son' means.” The comedian praised Rohit and continu﷽ed, “For us, you are that Sharma ji's son because you have made a name for our 🐲nation all over the world.”
The episode showed the cricketers talking everything about cricket and sharing inside information. 'The Great Indian Kapil Show' is available to🌳 stream on Netflix.