After a successful first season, ‘The Great Indian Kapil Show’ came to a close. The season finale saw Kartik Aaryan grace the show with his mother – Mala Tiwari. As the show ended, host Kapil Sharma shared a BTS video wher🃏e he talked about shooting the episodes with various celebrities. In the video, he revealed that it took him six months to rope in Aamir Khan for an episode on his show.
In a video shared by Kapil Sharma, the comedian revealed that his team had to chase Aamir Khan for six months to get him on the show. He also revealed that after they shot the episode, Khan had to chase the team for two months to see the final video. He said, “When we would come on TV, we would shoot 8 episodes in a month. But this time, we shot one episode, featuring Aamir Khan, for over 8 months. Initially, we ran after him to shoot the episode for six months, then he ran after u🔯s for 2 months to show him the episode and how it turned out. But that episode was really appreci🦹ated.”
The epis♑ode featuring Khan showed the actor spilling details from his personal and professional life on the show. The actor is always known for keeping his life away from the mꦛedia.
In the same video, Aaryan’s mother recalled how the actor’s diet for ‘Chandu Champion’ had left her c🤪onc🐈erned. She mentioned that she did not cook chole bhature for almost a year, despite it being his favourite dish. She mentioned that while her son was on a strict diet for the film, she was on a diet for him.
After the ending of the first sꦏeason of ‘The Great Indian Kapil Show’, Kapil Sharma promised that he would be back with a second season of the show. However, the makers have not released the official date as of now.