The excitement for Hrithik Roshan and Saif Ali Khan starrer ‘Vikram Vedha’ among the audience is constantly on a rise as the fඣilm is heading close to its release date on September 30. Along with a talented star cast, actor Rohit Saraf will be seen playing the character of Vedha's brother in the film, and it was certainly his dream to work with Hrithik.
For the unversed, Rohit has shown his act💟ing spectacle in many films and web series. However, his role in Vikram Vedha stands apart from all.
Sharing his experience of working with his favourite star Hrithik, Rohit says, “I’ve always found Hrithik Sir and the stories about how he prepares for every character he plays, fascinating. And I had the greatest opportunity to witness the giant actually in the process of creating magic. So getting the chance to play his brother in ‘Vikram Vedha’ is nothing short of a dream come true, not to forget the heaps and tonnes I got to share as a co-actor and the impact it has�🍌� on my growth while working on a project together."
He further praises the directors Pushkar-Gayatri, and adds, "I feel so stoked that I 𒈔could be a part of a film that’s being helmed by the most amazing directo𝓰r duo- Pushkar and Gayatri. As directors, they’re so prepared that I felt extremely safe even though the character I portrayed had all the reasons to make me feel otherwise. I felt that they’ll pick me up even if I fall. There’s no better feeling than that.”
🌞Rohit’s list of amazing projects include films ‘Dear Zindagi’, ‘Ludo’, ‘The sky Is Pink’, the Norwegian film🉐 ‘What Will People Say’, and the famous Netflix web series ‘Mismatched’.
‘Vikram Vedha’ is pr𝐆esented by Gulshan Kumar, T-Series, and Reliance Entertainment in association with Friday Filmworks and Jio Studios and a YNOT Studios Production. Produced by Bhushan Kumar, S. Sashikanth and Reliance Entertꦇainment. ‘Vikram Vedha’ will hit the big screens globally on September 30, 2022.