There have been several reports doing the rounds that Kajol, Prithviraj Sukumaran and Ibrahim Ali Khan have come together for Karan Johar's production. The mega movie is reportedly titled 'Sarzameen'. The film is said to be backed by Boman Irani's son Kayoze Irani. Karan Johar, today, taking to his Instagram handle shared a statement which is apparently about his upcoming film. He didn't reveal the cast or the title of the film. However, netizens were quick to get the hints. Most of the users commented on the film titled 'Sarzameen' starring Kajol, Prithviraj Suku💦maran and Ibrahim.
“This is not aꦑ film announcement!”, read🥀 the title of the note.
The 'Rocky Aur Rani Kii Prem Kahaani' director also gave hints about the cast and the director as he penned, ''A superstar from the south who has just delivered a pan india juggernaut. A massively loved actress who continue♛s to awe with her emotional energy on celluloid. A legacy debut actor who is working tirelessly to find his spot in the sunshine of exceptional talent & combatting the obsession with the N word. But keeping his head down and just working. “
He further added, "The film is ready and we will be releasing it soon! Any guesses? If you guess the title and all the other details correctly - we would love t🗹o invite you to watch a glimpse of the film!"
'Let the guessing begin!!!⏱️⏱️🅘⏱️⏱️,'' captioned Karan as h♎e shared the statement.
Reports state that the untitled project has been touted to be an emotional thriller which is on Kashmiri terrorism. Reportedly, Kajol will be playing an emotionally strong character while Ibrahim will play the role of her son🔥.
The film will mark Saif Ali Khan's son Ibrahim's Bollywood debut whereas Karan Johar and Kajol are reuniting with the project after 12 y🤪ears of 'My Name Is Khan'.