The Delhi Assembly's Peace and Harmony Committee has summoned Bollywood actor Kangana Ranaut on December 6 for allegedly hateful social media posts, pane♐l chairperson Raghav C🐬hadha said on Thursday.
The committee issued the notice summoning Ranaut after complaints cited an alleged offensive and ღderogatory Instagram story posted by her, said a statement from the panel.
T𓆉he complaints claim꧋ed that Ranaut, in her story, labelled the Sikh community 'Khalistani terrorists', it said.
"As per the complaints, the content of such stories has gravely hurt the religious sentiments of the Sikh community and has caused apprehensions in their mind regarding their safety as well as life and liberty," the sta🍷tement 🤡said.
Further, according to the com꧒plainants, the stories were published by Ranaut on her Instagram account, @kangaꦇnaranaut, which has a massive reach and is being followed by around 80 lakh people worldwide.
It i🃏llustrates the instances which hurt the religious sentiments of the Sikh community and have a tendency to &𝔍quot;disturb" the peace and harmony of the society, it said.
A complaint mentions that on November 20, Ranaut posted a story that read, "Khalistani terrorists may be arm twisting the government today... But let's not forget one woman... The only woman prime minister ne inn ko apni jooti ke nee🦂che crush kiya tha...,( The only woman prime minister who crushed them under her shoe)" the statement said.
"Given the gravity and the importance of all these issues in the NCT of Delhi, the committee on Peace and Harmony under the chairmanship of MLA Raghav Chadha has summoned Kangana Ranaut to appear before the committee so as to deliberate on the present issue in a more comprehensive and coherent manner," the 𒀰statement said.
It 𒅌said Ranaut as been summoned to appear before the com😼mittee on December 6 at 12 pm.
According to the complai💜nants, the statements purportedly posted by Ranaut have causedꦍ "immense agony, distress and gravely hurt the religious sentiments" of the people from the Sikh community.
This pote🍌ntially leads to a situation of "disruption of peace and harmony" in the NCT of Delhi by allegedly disrespecting tꦚhe entire community and instigating threats to their life and liberty, said the statement quoting the complaints.
The Peace ꧋and Harmony Committee, which was formed by the Delhi Assembly in 2020, is also currently hearing complaints related to the Delhi𝕴 riots, and last week it recorded statements of a Facebook India representative.
[With Inputs From PTI]