Actor Deepak Tijori recently grabbed headlines for reportedly making a statement about former couple, Amrita Singh and Saif Ali Khan. In an interview to Zoom, Deepak reportedly said that Saif was supposed to make a cameo in his 1993 film ‘Pehla Nasha’. However, when Saif’sܫ ex-wife Amrita Singh got to know about it, she was shocked. Deepak’s latest comment went viral on social media, but the actor has now clarified that his statement was misconstrued.
Sharing how he is upset tꦺhat the statement was 💞wrongly presented, Deepak told Bollywood Hungama that Amrita did not stop Saif from appearing in ‘Pehla Nasha’, but was just shocked to see actors share such a great bond.
Deepak further revealed, “I would like to clarify something. I said something recently that got misconstrued. I was asked how I managed to get so many actors for the premiere scene in Pehla Nasha. I replied, ‘We were all friends. Hence, we supported each other in every way we can.’ Then I said, ‘When Saif Ali Khan w👍as getting ready, Amrita Singh asked him where he was going. To which he said, ‘I am going to shoot for the premiere scene in Deepak’s film’. At this, Amrita replied, ‘Kya baat hai. Your generation of actors is different. We never supported one another in such a manner. Aap logon ki dosti ko manna padega.'”
Mentioning how his quote was misrepresented, Deepak said that it was published that Amrita stopped Saif from going to the premiere. Adding how he never said that, Deepak asserted, “Amrita was only amazed to see the bond between Saif and other actors. In her time, they used to not help each other. Amrita is a sweetheart and a wonderful woman. She has always been supportive of everybody as an actor. I have not worked with her. However, for us, her debut film Betaab (1983) was the ultimate fil❀m. I must have seen it a hundred times. Itna ghatiya quote bana diya hai. I wake up and I get pained when I see the news stories. I never said that.”
Both Saif and Amrita have not reacted to the💟 viral statement yet.
Deepak is known to feature in several films like ‘Aashꦚiqui’, ‘Sadak’, ‘Aaina’, ‘Santaan’, ‘Kabhi Haa Kabhi Naa’, and more. His directorial film, ‘Tipppsy’, is releasing in theatres on May 10.