Outlook International Desk
Population Of Indians: 995,528
🔴Kuwait, with a mix of unskilled, semi-skilled, and skilled workers, has approximately 995,528 Indians in 2024, ranking 10th globally in Indian population.
Population of Indians (2024): 1,607,500
🦩Sri Lanka has 7,500 non-resident Indians and about 1.6 million people of South Indian origin.
Population of Indians (2024): 1,700,000
💦South Africa has 1.7 million Indians, including 60,000 non-resident Indians and 1.64 million people of Indian origin.
Population of Indians (2024): 1,864,318
🍬The United Kingdom hosts one of the largest Indian communities, with nearly 1.9 million Indians.
Population of Indians (2024): 2,002,660
꧟Myanmar has over 2 million Indians, including 2,660 non-resident Indians, ranking 6th globally in Indian population.
Population of Indians (2024): 2,463,509
🤪Saudi Arabia, with a growing economy attracting skilled Indian labor, has nearly 2.5 million Indians, ranking fifth globally.
Population of Indians (2024): 2,875,954
✅Canada, a top destination for immigrants, has a large Punjabi Indian population, with some involved in Canadian politics.
Population of Indians (2024): 2,914,127
𒊎Malaysia, with the third highest Indian population globally, has 163,127 non-resident Indians and nearly 2.7 million people of Indian origin, primarily Indian Tamils.
Population of Indians (2024): 3,568,848
🦹The UAE, known for attracting immigrants due to its workforce and investment policies, has over 3.5 million Indian residents.
Population of Indians (2024): 5,409,062
𝓀The US, with over 5.4 million Indians as of May 2024, hosts the largest overseas Indian population.