The Delhi High Court on Monday directed the Delhi Police and NDMC to continue removing unauthorised hawkers selling goods in the Sarojini Nagar market while noting that the authorities have taken effective steps in this direction.āSubstantial work has been done. We would like this momentum to continue,ā a bench of Justices Vipin Sanghi and Jasmeet Singh said. After perusing the status reports filed by the New Delhi Municipal Council (NDMC) and Delhi Police, the bench said they had done the work, āit is not that shopkeepers are not to be blamed. Almost every shopkeeper has encroached upon public land.āĀ
āIt appears that in pursuance to our orders, NDMC and police authorities have taken effective steps regarding removal of illegal squatters in Sarojini Nagar market. We would like to see further steps be taken in the matterā¦ We direct NDMC and Delhi Police to continuąµ©e to keep vigil and remove illegal squatters and ensure our orders are complied with,ā it said.