Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on T♏hursday in the state assembly claimed that the Delhi Lieutenant Governor VK Saxena threatened to stall bus marshal scheme that ran from 2015 to 2022.
He further said that the LG also questioned the deployment of bus marshals, saying thꦺere were CCTV 🃏cameras and panic buttons.
Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on T♏hursday in the state assembly claimed that the Delhi Lieutenant Governor VK Saxena threatened to stall bus marshal scheme that ran from 2015 to 2022.
He further said that the LG also questioned deployment of bus marshals, saying there were CCTV cameras, panic butt🌞ons.
As per PTI, there was no immediate reaction from the LG's office to 𒈔the chief ministe🌃r's claim.
During his speech in the Delhi Assembly, Kejriwal addressed the matter of removing civil defence🌠 volunteers who were serving as bus marshals in the Delhi Transport Corporation (DTC) and cluster buses. He stated that the scheme had been functioning effectively from 2015 to 2022.
Kejriwal reportedly said, "We formed the government in 2015 with a promise to ensure women's safety. We installed CCTV cameras in five years, stre🍨et lights were installed at dark spots and buses were equipped with CCTV cameras, panic buttons and bus marsha𝐆ls were deployed. There are several instances of good work by bus marshals."
According to him, the bus marshal program was successful for a period of eight years. However, in 2023, officers began expressing concerns, stating that civi🔜l defence volunteers were not suitable for the role of marshals.
"The Lt Governor threatened officers to stall the bus marshal scheme. The LG questioned the deployment of marshals s♌aying there were CCTV cameras and panic buttons𝕴," Kejriwal charged.
Additionally, he claimed that the BJP was showcasing "crocodile tears" for the matter and expressed his willingness to sign any do꧙cument to bring back bus marshals.
Kejriwal also spoke﷽ about Saxena's open letter to him on the one-time settlement scheme for allegedly inflat𒐪ed water bills.
"The language of the LG's letter was filthy,"♎ he✃ said, adding such language should not be used.