
A Crisis Of Perception

Neither side understands the other's values and intentions, causing resentments to build and spiral out of control.

It is true that the Quran is invoked for militancy but let me explain the natureof Islam from my book Islam Today๊ (1999). Islam has not turned increasingly militant. Ithas merely been misinterpreted. Consider how many ways Islam is viewed. Islam is not onlyattractive mystical poetry, superbly symmetrical architecture and esoteric Sufi thought:Islam is also mobs in the street, young men attacking embassies and images of selfflagellation on the television screen. Islam has become all things to all people. It isnot only theology; it is also polemics, debate, media images, conflict and a point ofview. In our world, Islam is a challenge, a mystery, an enigma.

🐻In becoming all things to all people, the word 'Islam' has lost its refinement and hasbeen mistakenly used as the most recognizable term to categorize a small group ofmilitants in the Middle East. This then throws billions of innocents in with the workingsof a relatively tiny group of extremists, greatly clouding the issue.

🍒Islam is a religion of compassion and wisdom. This is evident in many of the verses ofthe Quran. For example: 'Be foremost in seeking forgiveness'. (Surah 57: verse 21 );'Bequick in the race for forgiveness from your Lord' (Surah 3: verse 133); and the nextverse, 'Restrain anger and Pardon men' (Surah 3: verse 134). 'When they are angry, eventhen forgive', advises the Quran (Surah 42 verse 37). These beautiful verses finelyillustrate how the Quran is misunderstood by those using it to spread violence and hate,and as a tool to vent their resentments.

Another factor clouding the issue is the media has mistakenly depicted Islam asirrational and violent culture. Rather Islam values intellect as one of its most cherishedtenets. In Islam, human beings are God's finest reflection, the culmination of creation.The title of vicegerent is an extraordinary vote of confidence and is bestowed on thespecies because of its capacity to think and reason. It is to fulfill this destiny thatilm, knowledge, is emphasized; ilm𝓡 is the second most used word in the Quran after thename of God. Human beings are told to use their mind and to think, in at least 300 places.Numerous sayings support this. The prophet said, 'The first thing created by God was theintellect' Ali is quoted as saying: 'God did not distribute to His servants anything moreto be esteemed than intelligence'.

🍸More confusion arises when the western media uses terms incorrectly. A common conceptthat is widely known but usually incorrectly applied is that of jihad. The concept inWestern literature and usage has come to mean holy war, or Muslim fanaticism. In factJihad means struggle, and there  are various forms of it; physical confrontation isjust one. The holy Prophet identified the greatest Jihad as the struggle to master ourpassions and instincts. It is therefore a much more complex and sophisticated concept thanthat bandied about the media.

🌌Consequently, we find ourselves in a crisis of perception. Neither side understands theother's values and intentions. This causes resentments to build and spiral out ofcontrol. The major problems that cause so much anger and distress among Muslims are thoseof the Bosnians and Kosovoans in Europe, the Palestinians in the Middle East and theKashmiris in South Asia, for example. The routine beatings, torture and killings muststop. Life has become hell on Earth for these Muslims. The West must illustrate to theMuslims that justice will be done in these cases; that the United Nation does not act onlyto hammer its enemies (as in the case of Iraq). 


✤In turn, the Muslims must convince theworld that the media images of them as law breaking and violent are not true, that foreignembassies diplomats, travelers and non-Muslims are safe in their countries. These acts areone way of capturing the headlines but they are not Islamic in content or spirit. Thefight against injustice and oppression must continue but must take other forms. In thisway we can progress towards a peaceful and rational dialogue between the West and Islam.By focusing on common goals and altering our ethnocentric viewpoints, we can lessenconflict and facilitate discussions towards peace and tolerance.

(The author is Ibn Khaidun Chair of Islamic Studies, American University,USA)

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