💝Trump, Putin, US Vice-President J D Vance, Elon Musk, the AfD and their like-minded partners across the continent have their mind set on not only isolating Germany as the strongest country in Europe but also on threatening the European project itself. The ultimate goal in the long run is an age of turbulence that will first see a systematic fracturing of the vote to prevent majority mandates to any political party, eventually leading to consolidation of power in ways we cannot imagine. It will also lead to an instrumentalisation and manipulation of opinions for substantiating extremist positions in an almost Orwellian fashion. Though one can almost be certain that the AfD will not be a part of the government in this term, it will certainly be a decisive part of the democratic establishment from this point on and will continue to grow, aiming at hollowing the German political establishment from within. And if the politicians and the voters are not hearing the alarm bells, seeing the signs, that is the beginning of the end of history. As Shakespeare once said, true it’s a pity, pity it's true.