“Shahina is a veteran Indian journalist who has worked across print and broadcast media to shed light on issues such as gender, human rights, and marginalized communities, along with the injustices they face. Shahina, currently a senior editor for Outlook magazine, was one of the country’s first journalists to be༺ charged under a draconian anti-terror law extensively weaponized against journalists in the country for over a decade. She has continued her reporting despite awaiting trial for a case opened in 2010, when local government officials sought to criminalize her reporting on a questionable police investigation. As of June 2023, Shahina is out on bail pending trial. If convicteꩵd, she faces a maximum of three years in prison and a fine. A Muslim by birth, Shahina has also been subjected to extensive harassment by Indian right-wing groups seeking to silence her reporting on religious minorities and vulnerable caste groups,” the CPJ says about Shahina.