▨If you look at your March 2025 forecast, this month can be pretty unpredictable. There are times when the amount of conflict can rise a bit. You will have Mars moving through your twelfth house, which is usually not a good sign. Mercury will move through the fortune house in a bad mood, which is also not a good sign. It looks like the journey of Jupiter in the profit house is going well for you. It will help you a lot. It looks like Venus is moving in your favor. It's not a good time for Saturn to transit, but because Jupiter is in the sign, it can sometimes work out well. Since Rahu is in the sign of Guru, it can sometimes bring good luck during transit. Still, we shouldn't expect Rahu to be helpful most of the time. If Ketu is in motion, you can expect better than average results. In the beginning of the month, the Sun will be moving through the eighth house. People will see this as a weak stance. In the second half of the month, the Sun will be in your lucky house. It's not a good sign that the Sun is moving through this area, but the second half of the month might be better than the first. In other words, Venus and Jupiter will be in charge of making sure you have good luck this month. That's why the data might be different. Other transits can sometimes make things worse, but Venus and Jupiter will work to fix those issues. In this case, we can say that the month can bring about a range of outcomes.